Buscando por autoría: Lubbock John +

Resultados de la búsqueda: 4

Lubbock John. (1898). The origin of civilisation and the primitive condition of man. New York: Appleton and Company

The origin of civilisation and the primitive condition of man
Lubbock John. (1872). The development of relationships. Londres: Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland

Palabras clave: Sistemas de relaciones,

The development of relationships
Lubbock John. (1872). Pre-Historic Times. As Illustrated by Ancient Remains, Manners and Customs of Modern Savages. Londres: Williams and Norgate

Pre-Historic Times. As Illustrated by Ancient Remains, Manners and Customs of Modern Savages
Lubbock John. (1870). The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man : Mental and Social conditions of savages. Londres: Longmans, Green and Co.

The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man : Mental and Social conditions of savages